Wednesday 31 October 2012

Reduce co2 emission from Industry

Coal is the major fossil fuel used in industrial units and power plants for power generation in India.The carbon dioxide emitted as a product of combustion of coal (fossil fuels) is currently responsible for over 60% of the enhanced greenhouse effect.Combustion converts coal into useful heat energy, but it is also a part of the process that engenders the greatest environmental and health concerns.

Combustion of coal at thermal power plants emits mainly 
  • carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • sulphur oxides (SOx)
  • nitrogen oxides (NOx) and CFCs

other trace gases and air borne inorganic particulates, such as fly ash and suspended particulate matter (SPM).CO2, NOx and CFCs are green house gases (GHGs).   

There are three ways to reduce the CO2 emissions from a coal plant:

1. Fuel switching - replacing part or all of the fuel with a lower carbon fuel like biomass or natural gas (fuel switching)
2. Efficiency improvement - increasing the efficiency of the plant so less CO2 is emitted to produce the same output
3. Carbon Capture strategies – capturing the CO2 in the flue gas and storing it

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