Tuesday 9 October 2012

Prepare a food product using solar based devices and compare it with the normal energy resources used

Prepare a food product using solar based devices:
Materials used:
·         Ply wood
·         Glass:2 feet long(approximately)
·         Air filled Rubber tube
·         Black paint coated vessel
Resource used: solar Energy
Recipe: Maggie noodles
·       Normal noodle sticks (Break into small bits)
·         Instant masala

Cooking method:

  • ·         Initially place the plywood on the land where the direct sunlight is there.
  • ·         Place the air filled tube
  • ·         Place black paint coated Aluminum vessel inside the center space of the tube.
  • ·         Add water and other ingredients in the vessel
  • ·         At last place the glass on the top of vessel covered with tube.

Cooking duration: 75 minutes
Time: Morning 11.00 AM –Afternoon 12.15 PM

Further details contact greenish.skp.tgcc@gmail.com


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