Friday 19 October 2012

Farm visit by TPM's


Organic foods are getting more popular among the world compare to the bigger consumption of conventional foods. There certain true organic foods may cost a bit more, but most of the peoplearket, organic foods are everywhere. There are clearly many benefits to organic foods, but there are specific like: it is healthier, protect the environment, different taste.
The organic farming and produce of organic foods has been prevalent from the time agriculture was first conceived. The natural way of growing crops started becoming unpopular and economically less feasible. More crop yields meant higher profits to the farmer and better agree, taste and quality are well worth compare to conventional. In today`s superm utilization of the land. The farmers who used fertilizers started growing two crops during the same time-period. That was the begging of fast growing industry of conventional foods. 
Organic foods are healthier than conventional in many aspects. The nutrients present in organic foods that are not in commercial foods. "Organic food for mineral levels, the researchers also looked for the amount of the heavy metals aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury. Aluminum has been implicated for years in the development of Alzheimer's disease. It's content in organic food averaged 40% less that in commercial foods. Lead toxicity, which has been in the new a lot lately, can adversely affect our children's' IQ. It averaged 29% lower in organic foods. Mercury, which can cause neurologic damage, averaged 25% lower in organic foods" (Crinnion, Walter). The organic meat is healthier compare the conventional gown, full with antibiotics and many other chemicals for fast growing, which goes to us. The healthier means saver way of leaving. 
People consume more conventional food which evokes more farmers to use pesticides and to double their crops. The pesticides are dangerous for environment and wild life. People should buy more organic foods and lower the production of the conventional. That`s one of the ways to protect and safe the environment and wildlife of the world. Used chemicals kill different insects which are part of our ecosystem. Chemicals go from soil to the water reservoir and again back to us. 
The organic foods are proven to taste better and different than conventional grown foods. The organic food not only taste better, but doesn`t contains preservatives. The conventional milk, has inspiration date around 2 months compare to the organic one it`s not more than two weeks. The smell and the taste of organically grown tomatoes are totally different. 
The organic farms will continue to grow and produce more quality foods around the world. The healthier and long lasting life is connected with the consumption of more organic foods, which taste better and than the conventional. The organic farms help to reduce chemicals that are used for produce their crops. That's the way to save the environment and the wild life of the world.

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